Turchiarella Card is the loyalty program of Turchiarella.com

The more you spend, the more you get Turchiarella Points and the more discounts you get
Turchiarella.it rewards you with its loyalty program: the Turchiarella Points that allow you to accumulate fantastic and exclusive discounts.
Turchiarella Card is a loyalty and cashback program that through a points system rewards the most loyal customers, allowing you to accumulate exclusive discounts. Every purchase you make on our site allows you to accumulate Turchiarella Points, which can be converted into discounts for your next purchases.
How do Turchiarella Points work?
PulkerFarma.co.uk's loyalty program is based on an extremely simple points system, where for every euro you spend you receive 1 Turchiarella Point. Each Turchiarella Point is equivalent to €0.02 off, so accumulate as many points with your purchases so you can save more and more.
How to get Turchiarella Card points.
In order to start accumulating points you must necessarily register on the site and for every purchase you make, Turchiarel points will be automatically credited to you and you can check your points balance, at any time in your user area.
In your user area you will be able to check your balance and redeem your points for a discount voucher. The discount voucher will be highlighted automatically in your cart on your next purchase, so all you have to do is enter it and get the discount.
The Rules
- You must compulsorily Register with the site in order to accumulate Turchiarella points. Purchases made as a "Guest" will not be valid for the accumulation of points. To register you will simply need to during Checkout put a check in the box:"Choose a password to create an account and save time on your next order" and set a password of your choice.
- All users who register on the site automatically join the loyalty program, it is then up to the Customer to decide whether or not to use the accumulated points.
- In order to accumulate points, once registered on the site, you must purchase on the site Turchiarella.it and based on the total amount of the order, excluding shipping costs, you will receive a total of points according to this rule: 1 euro of expenditure = 1 point (Turchiarella Point).
- Each accumulated Turchiarella point is equivalent to a €0.02 discount.
- You necessarily have to reach a minimum of 250 points to redeem your Turchiarella points in order to get at least one €5 discount voucher.
- Each discount voucher, which you get by redeeming your Turchiarella points, can be used on any purchase you make in the future, even on products that have already been discounted and with no minimum spend.
- It will be possible to accumulate points up to a maximum of 2,000 Turchiarella points. Beyond these points it will not be possible to accumulate further loyalty points.
- The accumulated points are valid for 12 months.